Irv Penner
Irv Penner is a Canadian forestry engineer and a director of the Ecoforestry Institute Society.
Ecoforestry Institute Initiatives
1) Outreach - The Ecoforestry Institute Society's goal is to increase public awareness of ecoforestry and its many benefits by working with community organizations, offering workshops, and providing information.
2) Journal - Ecoforestry (formerly known as the International Journal of Ecoforestry).
3) Certification - The Ecoforestry Institute Society has led and continues to participate in the development of certification standards to provide a credible label on forest products that represent a measure of ecologically based forest practices.
4) Training - The Ecoforestry Institute Society has offered training programs on topics such as forest ecology, and soil monitoring. As part of this training, the Society has facilitated the placement of 'apprentices' with ecoforestry practitioners.
Irv Penner, Registered Professional Forester
Special Projects Qualifications:
Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Reforestation Projects
- Assessment, prescription, planning, supervision and post-evaluation of forest and riparian ecosystem restoration and silviculture projects. Key examples:
- Campbell River Estuary Restoration – post-industrial restoration of a national heritage river heavily impacted by industrial wood processing and hydro-electric power development.
- Willow Creek Watershed assessment and restoration – urban fringe watershed heavily impacted by urban development and intensive industrial forestry
- Beaver Creek Watershed assessment and restoration, impacted as above;
- Diverse reforestation projects: Vancouver Island and West Coast of BC:
- Cascadia’s North Island Woodlands, Island Timberland’s Oyster River private lands, International Forest Products Tree Farm Licence 44 – Knight Inlet, Glacier Bay, Loughborough Inlet, Phillips Arm, Kingcome Inlet, Seymour Arm, Grilse Creek, and Bear Creek/Discovery Passage Operating areas.
Ecoforestry & Ecosystem-based Forest Management
Board member of Ecoforestry Institute and Chair of Ecoforestry Journal Publications Committee promoting ecosystem-based forest stewardship, co-managers of Wildwood eco-forest.
Forest Inventory and Monitoring Projects
Natural wilderness and urban forest measurement and evaluation for environmental health, economic potential and hazard assessment, e.g.,
- BC North Coast Red Alder Study – Bella Coola / Prince Rupert / Terrace / Kitimat
- site verification & assessment of red alder health and availability in riparian and upland sites cited in the Provincial Government’s forest inventory. - Merv Wilkinson’s Wildwood - Nanaimo, BC - Inventory and management planning for The Land Conservancy and the Ecoforestry Institute.
- Delivery of Extension Services – CFS Small Woodlands Program – management advice and assistance to small woodlands owners on Vancouver Island and area.
- Project Management and Auditing /Contract preparation, administration & supervision:
- diverse projects for BC Ministry of Forests & Range, BC Hydro and Power Authority, BC Transmission Corporation related to reforestation and forest health issues impacting forest inventory and utility resources.
Contact: projects [at]